R3c is the latest fingerprint slave device designed by FingerTec to offer the market with a
back-to-back biometrics security measure. Pair it with master terminals such as R3 for a cost savvy and elevated access control system. What’s more, R3c can withstand dust, dirt and sand. This sleek looking slave device can also be wall mounted for a cleaner installation. Choosing a secure and comprehensive door access control, R3c is definitely a smarter choice for your premises.
Cost Effective
The R3c reduces the cost of having to invest in two master terminals to maintain IN-OUT access using fingerprints without compromising on the security aspects of the system
Verification and Storage in Master or Controller
A simple mechanism applies to R3c where all verifications and data storage is managed by a master terminal or a controller.
Flexible Installation Distance
The installation distance between the master terminal and the R3c slave terminal can go as far as 10 meters with a standard 4-core shield Belden cable.
Seamlessly Pairs with Fingertec Terminals
The R3c is specially designed to seamlessly pair with FingerTec fingerprint models, which include R3, R2 (FEM565), AC900, Q2i, and H2i. *Selected models only.
It is withstand dust, dirt and sand, extends the durability of the product.
Simple RS485 Connection
The R3c is designed with the standard RS485 communication port, to ease connection with the FingerTec fingerprint terminals and controllers.
Small Size
With a width and height of 4.0 cm and 12.5 cm respectively, the size of the R3c is ideal for most office environments.
Access Control Management
All EM Lock driving outputs, alarm outputs, and anti-passback via the R3c can be diverted to be managed by a master terminal or Ingressus Controller in an access control system